TherapDerma Phoenix Diode Laser
Nanotechnology is the use of matter at molecular and supramolecular atomic scales for industrial purposes. This means that electronics, for example, can be produced in very small components, leading to equipment of very reduced dimensions but with performance equivalent to the well-known large machines. This means, for example, that this Diode Laser equipment, instead of the normal 120cm in height x 50cm in width x 50 in depth is actually as small as 25cm x 25.3cm x 8.2cm but it has as good or better than that of large equipment, because this is the most advanced technology in the world.
That means more portability, less power consumption, more functionality, more convenience, less space for great results. With this you can have more space in your cabin and move the equipment better in your treatments.
TherapDerma Phoenix Laser Diode 808nm is the new portable equipment built for TherapDerma and with great success in markets such as Germany and the United States. This laser technology can be your biggest source of income in your SPA.
Diode laser does not burn, does not hurt and is suitable for all skin types and hair types and colors.
Acts intradermally so it doesn’t cause pain and doesn’t burn the skin!
The result: porcelain skin, smooth and taut without wrinkles.
In house technical assistance!